Michèle fox

Pregnancy massage

Prenatal massage is ideal to pamper mums-to-be and ease the physical and emotional inconveniences of that special period of their life.

It is a moment dedicated to the expectant mother, bringing her harmony and de-connection from her busy professional or family life. It is also highly beneficial for baby who senses any emotion and stress in his mum’s life.

A long breast-feeding cushion is used for a very comfortable side position during all or part of the massage.

It is based on Swedish massage techniques, adjusted to every stage of pregnancy: it boosts circulation in heavy legs, soothes back tension. The massage oil also makes the skin suppler. I use the very pleasant Weleda pregnancy oil; after the first 3 months of pregnancy, we might also use some vegetable oil with lavender or mandarin essential oils.

30 minutes : 35 euros                           60 minutes : 60 euros

"Be the change you want to see in the world" Gandhi